Monday, January 22, 2007

Loyalty Rewards Program

I joined a points program (as a provider) back in November which I thought was pretty cool. It works along the same principles as credit card points where you can redeem points for everything from tropical vacations to tools. One guy is even working at redeeming his for a car (so I hear).

Basically it amounts to 3% back to the client for using me and paying their bills on time.

The cost of entry was kinda steep - almost a grand but here's the rub - and I had this conversation with another vendor.

What's it cost you to obtain a new client? How do you measure that? Simple math (if you want to get simple about it). What did you spend last year on advertising and marketing? How many new clients did you get? What was each client worth to you?

I got 7 meetings and 3 new clients. I'll take that any day of the week.

I'm surprised more industries don't do this.

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