Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Playing Cards & Twizzle Sticks

I'm a sucker for J-hooks. You know, the hooks that hold cheapie and afterthought merchandise at the checkout line.

Every trip to the store is climaxed by the quick "Z" scan of the items at the checkout counter - attempting to catalogue and process what I have and what I need.

After all, you never know when a life or death situation arises that can only be alleviated by playing cards, twizzle sticks and an eyeglass repair kit, right?

My brother suffers from the same affliction. We think we got it from our mother's side of the family or perhaps it's just a result of being bombarded by RonCo and K-Tel ads as children. So it goes. It is our burden to bear.
Alas, all of this is beside the semi-elusive point which I am getting to right now.

What products or services do you offer that sell themselves due to 1) incredible value, 2) funky, doo-dad appeal, or 3) sheer necessity. Where do you "place" them?