Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hosting Woes

As little as five months ago, I was spreading the love about my hosting company. I loved these guys so much that I would pass their name on for free - extolling the virtues of their dirt cheap rates, Johnny-on-the-Spot tech support and sincerity when fixing a tech issue.

I had 5 problems in 5 years. That's no longer the case. I've had 5 problems in the past 5 days...and it's starting to seriously piss me off.

Recently, I tried rolling 35 hosting accounts into one which would save me something in the neighborhood of $3,000 a year. My new Gold Account was supposed to offer a lot for a little.

Instead, I've been hit with pea-sized email quotas, increased downages, malfunctioning extensions and lagging tech support response time...all of which was MY REWARD for upgrading my account (albeit downgrading my profitability) and bringing 35 businesses to their front door.

This morning I dealt with having to restore 2 blown redirects and having to reset read permissions to 5 different web sites which were fine yesterday.

I'm a fucking marketing guy - not a an IT guy for Christ's sake!

After all, I'm paying for hosting space so that someone else can monitor my sites for me...

So...who are these fiends?

Read my postings on the other blogs. I was blowing these guys kisses for five years. Now I'm just getting fed up. Anyone have an alternative? Lemme Know. Email.