Men, Women Online in Almost Equal Numbers; Use Web Differently
29 Dec 2005
The proportion of women to men who go online has mostly evened out, according to a new report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, but what they do when online remains different: men are more likely to look at weather and news sites, download music, and find financial information, whereas women seek health and medical info, email, and look up directions, writes Mediapost (via MediaBuyerPlanner). According to the report, titled "How Women and Men Use the Internet," 68 percent of men are internet users, as are 66 percent of women. Six years ago, those proportions were 49 percent and 44 percent, respectively.
Some 52 percent of men currently use broadband at home, while only 48 percent of women do.
However, women under 30 and black women are ahead of male peers, writes the E-Commerce Times. Some 60 percent of black women are online, compared with 50 percent of black men; 86 percent of women ages 18-29 are online, compared with 80 percent of men that age.
Older women, though, trail older men: 34 percent of men age 65 and older are online, compared with 21 percent of women in that age group.